The Helmholtz Alliance “Physics at the Terascale” bundles German activities in the field of high-energy collider physics. It is a network comprising all German research institutes working on LHC experiments, a future linear collider or the related phenomenology - 18 universities, two Helmholtz Centres and one Max Planck Institute. The Alliance includes the following topics: development of new accelerator and detector technologies, methods of data analysis, development of theoretical models and methods and development of the relevant computing infrastructure. More...
Upcoming Events |
The Terascale alliance will host multiple schools in 2025. Details here. |
Theorist of the Month |
The "Theorist of the Month" is a concept installed in order to improve the exchange between theory and experiment and to strengthen the theory background of experimental Ph.D. students. The Theorist of the Month will spend about one week at DESY and in this time give one basic seminar on his/her research topic, be available for all kinds of theory questions and discussions, and at the end of his/her stay summarise the discussions and questions of the week. |